Schmadtke calls on Kovac and Kruse to be prudent

Managing Director Jörg Schmadtke from the Bundesliga club VfL Wolfsburg called for prudence in the spat between coach Niko Kovac and striker Max Kruse.

“I spoke to both of them and told them that I wish there would be more calm,” Schmadtke told the Wolfsburger Nachrichten. He could “understand that Max is not satisfied at the moment. But the coach makes the decisions.”

The situation in Wolfsburg recently led to public discussions and speculation. Kruse, Wolfsburg’s top scorer in the second half of the Bundesliga season, had not been in the starting XI in the previous three league games of the current season under new coach Kovac.

However, Schmadtke does not see that there are irreconcilable differences between the player and the coach. A premature farewell to Kruse from Wolfsburg is “currently” not an issue for him.
