Schloder believes the DEB team can take first place in the preliminary round

Ice hockey legend Alois Schloder again sees good chances for a medal for the German Olympic team in Beijing.

“A look at our group: Canada on Thursday – we can beat. USA with college people, not well-trained – shouldn’t be underestimated. China – we’ll win there. We can finish first in the group, then we’ll go straight to the quarterfinals and have a real chance for a medal,” said the 74-year-old in an interview with “Münchner Merkur”.

The German team will start the tournament on Thursday (2:10 p.m. / ZDF and Eurosport) against record Olympic champions Canada. On Saturday (9:40 a.m. / ZDF and Eurosport) the hosts will be China, which will compete with 16 native North Americans. The last preliminary round opponents are the USA on Sunday (2:10 p.m. / ARD and Eurosport).

As in 2018, when Germany sensationally won silver, there are no players from the North American professional league NHL at the Winter Games. The USA therefore primarily compete with young college players.

The Canadian team is made up of professionals mainly employed in Europe but who have never played together. “It’s another great opportunity. At the Olympics, everyone looks up to their grandmother,” said Schloder, who won bronze with Germany in 1976.


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