Schiphol wants to prevent summer chaos with new rules for landing rights

The strict take-off and landing rights for airlines at Schiphol will be temporarily relaxed next summer. By ensuring that they do not lose their rights, the airport hopes that airlines will cancel flights themselves during the summer period. The new rules come into effect next week and should help end the chaos that has been going on for weeks.

Take-off and landing rights at Schiphol are scarce and expensive. Those who have obtained such rights must also use them, otherwise they will be taken away and sold to other airlines.

By removing that strict rule from next Wednesday, June 1 to August 28, Schiphol wants to prevent the summer from being as chaotic as it has been since the start of the May holiday. Airlines do not have to worry that Schiphol will take away their rights if they temporarily fly less.

Even bigger mess

Whether Schiphol succeeds in preventing an even bigger mess also depends on the negotiations with the unions. These demand new, better working conditions for ground staff, including for the security guards† FNV has given Schiphol a deadline: an agreement must be reached before 1 June, otherwise work stoppages will follow.

The chaos at Schiphol is due to a major staff shortage. Many employees were laid off at the start of the corona crisis and temporary contracts were not extended. Many of those former staff now ignore the airport because of the unattractive working conditions and have opted for other work.
