Schiphol security officers work even harder due to frustration travelers about unprecedented crowds

Huge crowds at Schiphol on Sunday 1 May. It will also be busy this weekend, the airport expects.Statue Arie Kievit

Security guards at Schiphol have had to deal with verbal abuse more often than before, according to a tour of de Volkskrant past security guards at the airport. Passengers in the long queues are also more likely to argue with each other. These incidents are often reported to the security guards at Schiphol. FNV director of the cleaners and security guards at Schiphol, Herrie Hoogenboom, hears stories about fatigue among that group of employees. He also receives signals from staff who call in sick or want to resign.

The occupancy at Schiphol this weekend will be ‘cool’, says Hoogenboom. Security guards complain about the long days they have to work this weekend. I’ve seen a few rosters and they are indeed spicy.’ The question is whether those who are working can take a break in between and how this is received by passengers. Hoogenboom sketches a situation in which hand baggage checkers step away from the workplace for a short break. ‘Passengers who are still in line then become agitated’, says the FNV director. ‘They no longer see any staff and are concerned whether they will still catch their flight.’

Understanding for travelers

The staff shortages contribute to the accumulation of passengers in several ways. A security guard explains that there is a ‘stopping flow’ at the bottom of the ticket control, due to shortages at the passport control above. Security guards downstairs then get the incomprehension and complaining of those travelers. As annoying as the frustrations among the passengers can be for the staff, many also understand it. “People stand in line for hours and are told at the last minute that their flight has been cancelled,” says one of the security guards, who want to remain anonymous for privacy reasons, but whose names are known to the editors. “So I understand the irritation then.”

“We can’t work faster than we are already doing,” said another security guard. “It’s about safety, you don’t want to cut corners.”

Schiphol is busy all day long to limit delays and inconvenience for the weekend as much as possible. The airport expects to avoid problems by moving flights, among other things.
