Schiphol postpones decision about May holiday longer

Schiphol is not expected to announce until after the weekend how many restrictions will apply during the May holiday. The airport actually wanted to stop setting limits to the number of travelers in the departure hall from the end of March, but due to staff shortages at the handling companies, it cannot always handle the crowds during the May holidays. After consultation with the airlines, Schiphol needs more time to work out the restrictions.

In recent days, consultations have been held between Schiphol, the handling companies and the airlines about the restrictions during the May holiday. Last January, interim director Ruud Sondag was still optimistic about the upcoming holiday periods, but he will soon get there returned to due to staff shortages among check-in staff, aircraft towing services and suitcase porters.

A spokesman for Schiphol informs NH News that a proposal has been made to the airlines to allow fewer travelers in the departure halls. This would be several thousand fewer passengers per day. Compared to the restrictions of last summer and autumn, more travelers will be able to depart from Schiphol.

Acceptable workload

“We want as many people as possible to be able to travel and an acceptable workload for all employees,” says Schiphol. “We have to shape this in a responsible way. We have decided that in the coming days we will discuss what the airlines have given us and expect to be able to provide an update after the weekend.”
