Schellinkhout fire victim: “I lost all my savings”

The fire that broke out last night in a business premises on the Dorpsweg in Schellinkhout leaves major damage. The fire started around 03:00 last night, which destroyed a large part of the company warehouses. One person was also killed and several injured. Those involved are “extremely affected”, says Annerieke Dekker, spokesperson for the North Holland North Security Region. Many owners have lost everything that was stored in the shed. “I restored old classic cars with my father, but they are all gone now. All my savings were in it and I have lost all of that,” says warehouse owner Kevin Visser.

“Mostly anger”, Visser feels after the news that the contents of his warehouse have completely burned away. “And also sadness, but that all has to come a bit. I still have to let it sink in, but it’s painful.”

Visser stored old cars in his shed, which he then restored and refurbished, usually together with his father. “There is a car that I have had with my father for 35 years. I wanted to take it for a ride with my father one last time before he is out of the pipe, but that is no longer possible.”

Good friends

A car that he had received from his girlfriend also went up in smoke. “My girlfriend was crying on the bed this morning, ‘there goes your dream,’ she said.” Fortunately, all pilot owners are “very good friends”, says Visser. “We help each other, but there is little to help when everything is gone.”

It is not yet clear how the fire started exactly, the police are still investigating.

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