Schalke with ambitious goals: Return to the top 6 of the Bundesliga & squad value of 200 million

Quote from Vincent_Baer

I find it very frightening at what low level comments are left out here with half knowledge and ignorance and sometimes also on purpose, in my opinion just to provoke. It’s just going to be damn difficult to write about the topic itself.

Schröder speaks of 2 Schalke goals: promotion again, but not at any price next season. Because it is more important to increase the squad value, because then you can buy players, develop them and sell them again for a profit. This allows you to reduce the liability and let the equity march in a positive direction again. And with this strategy, Schalke should eventually reach the top 6 again. No time has been specified because it depends on many factors.

Rühl-Hamers spoke of a liquidity gap of 85 million euros on the first descent, which Schalke was able to close on its own. What other club can do that? Many other clubs would have gone under in such a situation. The fact is quite simply that Schalke is significantly more financially strong than others. It all starts with the fact that Schalke has its own stadium and can save on the annual stadium rent. Other clubs can only dream of that. The same with the above-average number of spectators, which, in addition to admission, catering and marketing, brings significantly more money into the box office. Even in league 2.

And that’s why Schalke doesn’t have to outsource. why? It’s a one-off and if you don’t do it wisely you end up like other clubs who are now stuck in a nightmare… Hertha and Hamburg send their regards.

The path that is being followed here is absolutely correct. You made mistakes last season and got relegated. But a basic structure has been created so that the descent is not a problem. Financially, everything is fully funded and you currently have a squad that can play at the top. The transfer balance shows a transfer plus of 8 million euros, although Bülter and Zalazar are still there. There should now be players capable of development who can play BL directly when they are promoted or who can flush money into the till when they are not promoted. That’s what it’s about right now. And since Schalke has more financial reserves than other clubs, it is more likely that the club will make it back into the top 6.

Schalke did a very good job after relegation and sold well too. However, the gap was not closed on its own, the 35 million euro loan would not have existed without the state guarantee. I’m not criticizing that at all, because of Corona, those were difficult times. But that statement is a bit exaggerated .
