Scenes of an attempted car steal at a red light

Wild West in Schöneweide: Manfred G. (name changed) is on his way home after work at BER Airport. After repeatedly looking in the rear-view mirror of his Opel, he couldn’t shake the feeling: “I’m being followed by the car behind me.”​

He drives slower. The other driver too. He changes lanes. The other one too. The pursuers (driver and passenger) are literally glued to his bumper. When he has to stop at the red light at the Schneller-/Karlshorster Straße intersection, he knows for sure.​

The passenger of the car jumps towards him. Wants to open the Opel door. In vain – thanks to central locking. In his fear, Manfred G. flees to a gas station despite the red traffic light: “I think I’m going to be robbed…”​

Scenes of an attempted car-napping, just after midnight on December 21, 2021. The trial against one of the two perpetrators began on Thursday: co-driver Saulius M. (25), an electrician from Lithuania.​

At the gas station he tried again to steal the Opel. Jumped into the momentarily driverless car. But Manfred G. was also able to prevent that. He dragged the accused behind the wheel, wrestled him to the ground in front of the gas pump, held him until the police arrived.​

All recorded by the video surveillance camera. There was hardly any sign of any resistance by the defendant worth mentioning. A policewoman as a witness: “The accused somehow seemed off track.”​

Saulius M. did not want to comment on the start of the process. Continued: Friday (February 11).


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