Scandal: Fernando Burlando with one of the murderers of Cabezas in his spot

Fernando Burlando He is a man of many faces. The lawyer who rose to fame defending the gang that murdered the photographer of this magazine in cold blood, Jose Luis CabezasMore recently, he sought to turn his career around as a lawyer for the victims, in an operation to clean up his image for electoral purposes.

Burlando’s laundering” was the investigation on the cover of this magazine at the end of January, when it was trying to refound its image thanks to the crime of Fernando Baez Sosa. A patina on which to launch his candidacy for governor of the province of Buenos Aires. And this week Burlando launched its first campaign spotin which he scandalously appears hugging jose louis augeone of the members of the band the hornerosHead killers.

Fernando Burlando with José Auge, one of the assassins of José Luis Cabezas.

The band took the name of the neighborhood they were from: Los Hornos, a neighborhood in La Plata to which they returned Horacio Braga and José Auge when they got their freedom. There Braga served as a liaison with the NGO “Directed Social Reinsertion”, in charge of helping prisoners to rearm their lives after prison. At that time, he was also linked to the Kirchnerist Kbrones textile cooperative.

Fernando Burlando with José Auge, one of the assassins of José Luis Cabezas.

And in the ovens The spot in which Burlando appears in a tank top, shorts and flip flops, walking alongside Auge, was coincidentally filmed. The video lasts 42 seconds, and was recorded in Los Hornos, the same place where those who killed the photographer came from. In the second seven she appears next to the head killerswatching the back of whoever defended him in the trial that occurred twenty years ago and that ruled that he was guilty of the crime.

Fernando Burlando with José Auge, one of the assassins of José Luis Cabezas.

In the 16th second he appears again, this time from the front, and in the 23rd he has his outstanding moment: José Luis Auge embraced with Fernando Burlando. It seems like a memory provocation: the lawyer appears in the video of him talking about the “decency“of those around him.

Fernando Burlando with José Auge, one of the assassins of José Luis Cabezas.

The video, in addition to revealing the fragile construction of the “good” Mocking of the film, again raises a painful question. She is the one who has been present since she took over the defense of the horneros: who paid your attorney fees? The murderers of Cabezas, a crime that occurred on January 25, 1997, were petty thieves from a very deprived neighbourhood, who couldn’t have taken care of the expenses.

Fernando Burlando spoke with Perfil. In an interview with “Modo Fontevecchia” the lawyer went from saying that he did not know who appeared in the spots with him to assuring that it was probably Auge who was in the video, and then he stated that he was not “in a position to cancel people”, and pointed out because that was the intention of this magazine in making this fact known.

Research: Rodis Recalt

by Rodis Recalt and Juan Luis González

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