Scammers pretending to be ‘bankers at home’ caught

Scammers pretending to be ‘bankers at home’ caught

The PZ Tielt, the neighborhood service Lichtervelde, in cooperation with PZ Vlaamse Ardennen and the Belgian Federal Police road police, were able to intercept the suspects of the ‘bank at home’ scam. The suspects had been guilty of various offenses in Lichtervelde, but in the meantime also in Oudenaarde. The three adult suspects were arrested by the investigating judge, the minor appears before the juvenile judge.

Scammers pretended to be employees of a bank

Scammers pose as an employee of your bank and call you to warn you, for example, about suspicious transactions that would have been carried out with your bank card. During the conversation, they suggest coming to your house and solving the problem together. Shortly afterwards, a fake bank employee comes to your house and asks for your payment cards, personal codes, etc., after which they have everything they need to plunder all your accounts.

Remember: bank employees will never ask for your personal codes. They also never come home to cut payment cards, collect them or to solve certain payment problems.
