Scale8, an alternative to Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics that respects user privacy

Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics are free tools used by most communication and marketing professionals. However, they are quite intrusive regarding the privacy of Internet users. Fortunately, there are other alternatives, such as Scale8. The open-source platform offers both tag management and analytics features. It does not use any cookies.

A tool that emphasizes transparency and privacy

Scale8 offers two flagship services. The first is the Tag Manager which aims to be an alternative to Google Tag Manager. The tool is therefore designed for website traffic analysis and marketing optimization. It allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on the pages of your website. To do this, simply copy and paste on its website the tag provided when registering on the platform.

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The latter offers an analysis dashboard, offering a complete view of essential metrics such as the number of unique visitors, the bounce rate, the devices used by visitors, the country in which they are located, etc.

Of course, Scale8 emphasizes user privacy. The tool is compliant with GDPR and foreign laws like the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The tool also offers the ability to easily track JavaScript errors from another dashboard. Note that only HTTPS is supported.

Scale8 also provides a tool focused on Data Management. This is an alternative to Google Analytics. Here again, you can access graphs containing all the important insights: sessions, their average duration, the conversion rate, etc. You choose the data you want to see appear.

The price of the platform increases according to our needs. It starts at $10 per month for businesses with up to 5,000 visits per month.
