‘SBS deal canceled because of John de Mol’

Matthijs van Nieuwkerk has chosen RTL 4 and not SBS 6, because he does not want all his programs produced by John de Mol. He let us know through soulmate Özcan Akyol.


Matthijs van Nieuwkerk has been under a lot of pressure in recent times: most people have already gotten over the DWDD riot and the presenter is still seen as an A-star. For a long time it was rumored that Matthijs would join SBS 6, because parent company Talpa had recruited his good friend Frans Klein for a top position.

Matthijs responds

However, Matthijs has signed with RTL 4 and, according to Paul Römer, another Talpa boss, this is because the presenter finds SBS 6 ‘too raw’, referring to programs such as Today Inside and Peter Gillis: Massa is Kassa. Johan Derksen therefore felt a bit attacked, but according to Özcan Akyol the situation is different.

As a good friend of Matthijs, Özcan immediately asked about this, he says Today Inside. “I asked: ‘Is that correct?’ He says: ‘That’s not true at all and I’ve never spoken to Paul Römer or anything like that. I really wanted to come to Talpa.’ There is also that link with Frans Klein.”

Everything John de Mol

Why was the SBS deal canceled? Özcan: “The problem with Talpa is that all programs have to be produced by John de Mol, so what if you want to make a music program? John de Mol. If you want to go to Paris? John de Mol. Sometimes you also want to have a choice.”

Johan Derksen: “Yes, and Matthijs also wants to produce himself, because that makes it attractive.”

Özcan: “I don’t know, that will undoubtedly play a role. He will of course also have a relationship with Joop van den Ende.”

Eclectic SBS 6

Joop van den Ende, who became a billionaire together with John, is involved in his daughter’s media company: MediaLane. And Matthijs likes to work with them. Johan is surprised: “Here at Talpa, Jeroen Pauw also produces programs, so it is not just John de Mol.”

Wilfred Genee corrects him: “Only debates, right?”

Özcan: “But it’s really not the case. He wanted to come because of VI and the fact that it is a bit eclectic here with all kinds of different programs. He actually liked it, but that was the reason why he didn’t come, so that Paul Römer… That’s bullsh*t what he said.”

Crappy pudding

Johan thinks it’s silly that Paul Römer says something like that. “Yes, if he makes that up it’s a worthless pudding.”

Wilfred: “So if Matthijs could have produced it himself, he would have come here?”

Özcan: “Not himself, but for example he worked with Joop van den Ende for a long time. Why would he break that relationship?”

Wilfred: “He also had a good financial arrangement with Joop.”

‘Who understands me?’

Özcan: “Isn’t that what you also have with John de Mol? It’s really not about money anymore when you work with one of those two men. It’s more about: who understands me better?”

At Talpa, all creativity goes through the John de Mol funnel and Matthijs didn’t feel like that. Johan: “It is painful for Frans Klein that he was brought to SBS, because he was brought in to bring in Matthijs.”

Özcan: “He had to do that, yes.”

Unfortunately for Frans: at Talpa John de Mol determines the creative menu…
