‘SBS 6 must put Marcel & Gijs in a weekend during high season’

Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman could mean more to SBS 6 than just playing the summer filler, thinks 538 star Tim Klijn. “Put them on the weekend.”

© SBS 6

It has surprised many people that the summer VI replacement Marcel & Gijs turned out not to be a complete flop on SBS 6 last month. Although Hélène Hendriks is currently doing better with De Oranjezomer, Messrs Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman still managed to attract quite a few viewers. entertain. What should happen to them now?

Marcel & Gijs in the weekend?

Talpa-bobo Paul Römer has already announced that he would like to see Marcel & Gijs again next summer at the time of VI, but do the gentlemen have more to offer than just playing the summer substitutes?

Tim Klijn, the main presenter of Radio 538, thinks so. He thinks that you can also use the duo during the high season. “I think the program works best if you broadcast it twice a week. I think if you program this over the weekend instead of VI, I think you have a really nice weekend filler.”

‘Not separate from each other’

Sidekick Rick Romijn seems to have his doubts. “Did you like Gijs and Marcel?”

Colleague Niels van Baarlen seems enthusiastic. “In the end, I thought it was a successful project over the entire month.”

Rick: “And who do you like better: Gijs or Marcel?”

Tim: “I like the combination.”

Niels: “Yes, you should not see them separately.”

Nice interviewer

Tim sees something more structural in this. “I think the combination works well. And I have to say: I think that Gijs is a nice interviewer. He asks good questions and he listens. Yes, I thought it worked all in all. Shall we let them know that they can continue?”

Niels: “Yes, yes. I do.”
