SBS 6 does not take Danny de Munk off the tube: ‘TV show continues’

SBS 6 does not take Danny de Munk off the TV despite the fact that there is a rape report against him. His poorly viewed TV show De Hollandse Nieuwe will remain on the channel.

© Talpa

Yvonne Coldeweijer received a flood of stories about alleged misconduct by Danny de Munk in her message box two months ago. She brought out one of those stories, after which she was reviled. There is now a report against the folk singer and he does not lie: he is accused of rape.

SBS 6 through with Danny

SBS 6 has decided that Danny does not have to go off the tube. His poorly viewed program De Hollandse Nieuwe can simply remain on the channel. “We are aware of the coverage and are monitoring it closely. For the time being, this has no consequences for the broadcasts of De Hollandse Nieuwe,” says a spokesperson.

It’s not a huge surprise. SBS 6 is generally pretty relaxed about these issues. At the end of last year, the channel gave a talk show to a presenter who is suspected of aggravated assault and attempted murder, although in that case it was the boss’s son. Danny has no family at the top.

‘You look different now’

Albert Verlinde undoubtedly thinks it is a daring choice for SBS 6. He openly expressed his doubts in Shownieuws last night about whether Danny can still remain part of the channel’s Saturday evening entertainment. “You will look at him differently in the near future,” he said.

Many other celebrities disappear from the spotlight as soon as serious accusations are on the table. Think of Ali B, Marco Borsato, Glennis Grace and Johnny de Mol.


Yvonne released the following video about Danny two months ago. The lady in this video is not the lady who reported the crime. “There were actually more”, says Yvonne.
