SBS 6 cannot yet confirm that HLF8 will definitely go off the tube

SBS 6 cannot yet confirm that the talk show HLF8 will be definitively off the tube. The program remains a flop, even now that the controversial Johnny de Mol has been removed from the presentation.

© SBS 6

HLF8, the daily talk show on the eve of SBS 6, has been a big flop since its premiere in September 2021. The program only scored well when Johnny de Mol had something to confess again. Now that he has paused his TV career for the time being, Hélène Hendriks takes over the honours. However, a sequel after the summer seems out of the question.

Final end?

Jordi Versteegden, media journalist at De Telegraaf, has asked SBS 6 whether the program is indeed ending. “It will only be a few more weeks. The last broadcast will be broadcast for the time being on May 27. I say for the time being, because I also asked: ‘John, is this the final end of the talk show?’ Talpa/SBS could not confirm that yet.”

In fact, according to him, Talpa cannot avoid it, he continues in his entertainment update† “Viewing figures are of course leading. Also market share; that’s a very technical story, but we won’t talk about that. But looking at the viewing figures: there are only about 200 thousand, 300 thousand max.”

Bad ratings

The viewing figures are just bad, according to Jordi. “I think it really isn’t enough for this beautiful talk show, because it really has … It’s nice to watch, but apparently there is not enough audience for it at 7.30.”

The program has been improved with Hélène at the helm, he concludes. “I do think, and a lot of viewers think so too, that Hélène – and that may be a bit silly for Johnny, but they are two different types of presenters – really takes the format with the guild and does it really well.”


Jordi and his entertainment update:
