SBS 6 cannot find a hotel for Hélène Hendriks: ‘Qatar is full’

SBS 6 can’t manage for Hélène Hendriks to find a hotel room in Qatar. She is expected to travel to the emirate in November to report on the World Cup.

© SBS 6

The SBS 6 talk show Today Inside broadcasts daily during the World Cup in November and December. In order to bring the program into a Qatari atmosphere, Hélène Hendriks is sent to the emirate as a reporter. However, literally all hotel rooms in the city are already fully booked; there is not even a hostel bed available anymore.

Hélène worried

Hélène is a little concerned about that. “There is no more room at all. I’m a bit concerned about that though. I have to go there for four or five weeks,” she explains in VI.

Colleague René van der Gijp wonders whether the organization will set up a press hall with beds. “You don’t have to think about immediately lying in a tent with forty people or something? You shouldn’t be thinking about that, dear?”

To the desert

Hélène fears that she will face an uncomfortable four weeks with long journeys to her place of residence. “There is a time difference there, so I’ll be done there at 1:00 or 1:30 and then I have to drive another hour to some desert somewhere.”

Wilfred Genee: “These workers all sleep under the stadium. Perhaps there is still a bed left.”

Hélène: “Who knows.”


Wilfred finds it strange that no place to stay has yet been arranged for Hélène. “It is unbelievable that nothing has been arranged for that yet?”

René van der Gijp: “Insane.”

Johan Derksen: “It also says a lot about the organisations, because if you have an European Championship, you start booking and blocking hotels for your people at a very early stage. You know that the best rooms always go to the FIFA officials, because those bastards always want to snuggle. You have to be there early.”

‘We have nothing!’

Hélène: “But we weren’t. We have nothing yet.”

Johan: “I also find it irresponsible that they send her alone. She just has to survive there on her own. If a woman is in Qatar for four weeks, there should always be a guy with him.”
