Say cheese: at these speed cameras in and around Zoetermeer you will be flashed the most

Take a guess: how many traffic fines will be handed out in the Netherlands in 2021? For driving red lights and speeding, there are more than eight million. That’s a lot more than a year ago.

That appears from figures from the Ministry of Justice and Security

In and around Zoetermeer, these speed cameras were especially on track

Do you know which speed camera was most active in and around Zoetermeer? After all, we only have one fits pole in Zoetermeer and six in our area. The speed camera on the N209 between Lansingerland and Zoetermeer flashed the most. This pole was hit 12,307 times in 2021. Most of the fines were for speeding, namely 12,213 times.

The speed cameras on the Zoetermeerse Rijweg were also on track. Speed ​​cameras are located in four places, namely at the points Zoetermeerse Rijweg – Leidschendam (1,565 violations), Zoetermeerse Rijweg – Zoetermeer (2,262 violations), Zoetermeerse Rijweg South-East (7,393 violations) and Zoetermeerse Rijweg North-West (2,072 violations). All four speed cameras mainly involved fines for speeding violations.

You should always be careful at the speed camera on Zwaardslootseweg in the direction of Stompwijk. 3,257 were flashed through this pole. The number of speeding violations stands at 2,672, and in 585 cases it concerns driving through a red light.

That’s how it was in the rest of the Netherlands

Nationally, the number of fines increased last year compared to the year before. 8,024,118 fines have been handed out across the country. In 2020, there were 7,779,461 fines. The province of South Holland is leading the way: more than a million violations have been committed here. The government thinks the increase is due to fewer people taking to the road in 2020 due to the corona measures.

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