Saxony-Anhalt’s Minister of Health: Corona concept good ‘tool box’

MAGDEBURG (dpa-AFX) – From the point of view of the chairmen of the Health Ministers’ Conference, the planned infection protection law will give the federal states a good “tool box” to be able to react to the pandemic in autumn. “On the one hand, nationwide measures such as the obligation to wear masks in air and long-distance traffic offer guidelines for coping with the autumn wave,” said Saxony-Anhalt’s Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) on Tuesday after consultations with her federal and state colleagues. “At the same time, the federal states are given the power to order more extensive protective measures.”

Unsurprisingly, the federal states criticized the regulation provided for in the federal draft on the exceptions to the mask requirement, for example at events and in the catering trade. According to the Ministry in Magdeburg, the federal states have pointed out that the exceptions for newly vaccinated and recovered people are difficult to control and implement in practice. In addition, the federal states considered that uniform federal requirements were necessary in order to be able to proceed uniformly with regard to further protective measures./wee/DP/jha
