Saving tips: This is how you can save electricity in the home office

Efficient devices

An effective way to save electricity in the home office is to invest in efficient devices. If you can’t use the company’s existing devices when setting up your home office, it helps to orientate yourself on certain labels, as enera explains. For example, the EU energy label is used throughout Europe to classify various electronic devices into energy efficiency classes. In addition, you should also choose the devices according to what is part of the daily tasks. For example, if you only work on spreadsheets, a device with high performance and a powerful graphics card is superfluous. You should also keep in mind that laptops usually use 50 to 70 percent less power than comparable desktop computers.

But not only efficient devices play a role in saving electricity, you also have to use them efficiently. This starts with the optimal illumination of the desk. Not only is performance maximized, the right lighting ensures that your own health is not impaired. However, your own office does not have to be as brightly lit as possible. A bright desk lamp that is neither reflected nor dazzling in the monitor is usually completely sufficient. A model with an LED light bulb is the most durable and energy-efficient method.

In addition to the illuminant, however, the devices that are used for work must also be used as efficiently as possible. More precisely, this means that the stand-by mode of the work equipment should be avoided, as this consumes energy unnecessarily. So if you are taking a longer break or even after work, you should definitely switch off your computer or laptop.

Save electricity during the coffee break

During short breaks like a coffee break, you can put your computer or laptop into sleep mode. However, you should avoid using static or even animated screensavers.

But electricity can also be saved in the home office when making the coffee itself. Depending on the amount of coffee you need every day, you can brew a whole pot of coffee in the morning and fill it in a thermos flask. This keeps the coffee warm and the coffee machine can remain off for the rest of the day. However, if you use capsule machines or even fully automatic machines, you should note that they are switched off when they are not in use. Fully automatic machines in particular require a significant amount of electricity in stand-by mode.

The room temperature

If you work from home, you also have to keep your home warm during working hours. The advantage is that you don’t have to adjust the room temperature to the wishes of your colleagues, but can adapt it exactly to your own needs. But there are ways to save electricity. In offices and thus also in the home office, the optimum temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. Anyone who likes it even cooler saves even more electricity. In summer you should also avoid using air conditioning and instead darken the room and use a small fan to cool it down.

E. Schmal / Editor

Image Sources: Ruslan Grumble /
