Saving tips: How to make a holiday with a small budget a complete success

Save money with the right accommodation

The wanderlust sets in and the next holiday is planned with a lot of anticipation. The only drawback: the purse is currently not that much. But there are many ways to spend a great holiday even with a smaller budget, all you have to do is save a little in the right places on holiday.

First of all, a lot of cash can be saved directly with the accommodation. In addition to the established backpacking, where you move from one hostel to the next, accommodation offers such as Airbnb or couch surfing have also proven their worth over the past few years. With couchsurfing, you sleep for free at other people’s homes and make friends directly. The room and apartment rental platform Airbnb has also made a name for itself, with people from all over the world making their apartments available for relatively little money.

Otherwise, backpacking remains a popular option, especially for young people, to travel as cheaply as possible. If you don’t want to spend every night in a hostel dorm, you might be interested in a new trend called flashpacking. Flashpackers travel just as price-consciously as backpackers, but are willing to spend a little more money for some smaller amenities such as a double room instead of a ten-bed room. Furthermore, there is a so-called blind booking for bargain hunters, in which a traveler can choose a geographical area in which his accommodation should be located. After completing the booking, he will then be informed of where he will stay overnight – cheap accommodation guaranteed. The more adventurous can also sleep in tents.

Inexpensive transport options for a spare wallet

Many roads lead to Rome, but some are cheaper than others. So it can be profitable to use the customary means of transport in the country, such as the local bus or train, rather than renting expensive airport transfers or sightseeing buses. If you are traveling in countries where this is the case, you can also register with ride-sharing platforms. German examples of this would be the Mitfahrzentrale, Mitfahrangebote or BlaBlaCar. Otherwise, the usual travel rules apply: flights are cheaper on certain days, those traveling by car should consider where the fuel is cheapest, and when traveling by train, frequent changes can reduce the price. In general, everyone has to decide individually whether to rely on last-minute offers when booking or whether to book the trip well in advance.

The budget can also be maintained when eating out

A lot of cash can be saved when it comes to catering on vacation, because the bills in this category often make a big difference. Those who have booked appropriate accommodation with cooking facilities can shop in the local supermarket and cook for themselves, which is guaranteed to be cheaper than eating out. If you still want to eat out from time to time, you should look for a restaurant far away from the tourist mile. There are often nice restaurants in the side streets, and street food is also an option.

Celebrate inexpensively on holiday – that’s how it works

If you don’t miss out on having fun on holiday and want to take some celebrations with you, you should pay particular attention to your drink expenses. It is often much cheaper if you prefer to use the simpler drinks such as wine and beer than cocktails. If you want to get away cheaply, buy your drinks in the nearest supermarket instead of at the bar. Even an evening on the beach with good friends can be just as good and ultimately cheaper than in the bar. If you don’t want to miss out on a night out at the club, should compare the admission prices of the clubs beforehand.

Cost control for leisure activities

In the end, leisure activities are a lot about prioritizing your own preferences and weighing up what is really important to you. If someone really wants to go to the city museum, unfortunately the visit to the amusement park may have to be canceled. Many parks, churches and sights can also be visited free of charge. Furthermore, there is always the opportunity to get some tips for leisure activities from the locals. They often know more than any travel flyer can tell you.

Choose cheap travel destination

So there are numerous ways to enjoy your holiday to the full even on a low budget. What travelers should be aware of, however, is that the choice of vacation destination itself will be a major contributor to travel expenses. A short trip to New York or Dubai will hardly be cheap, even if all the points mentioned are taken into account.

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Image sources: Martin Valigursky /
