Save the animals: Who are the most committed celebrities

At the middle of March, the National Congress lived a different day. From the hand of the model, actress and well-known activist for animal rights, Liz Solariwas presented the sentient bill, which promotes the creation of a legal category for animals as a non-human physical person, subject of law. This implied not only the presence of Solari, but also that of other figures from the entertainment environment who agree with this idea. Mel Lezcano, Cande Molfese, Catherine Fulop, Silvina Escudero and Connie Isla They were part of the game and collaborated to help disseminate the project.

The presence, a post, a story, a like: when celebrities get involved in different causes about animals, the possibility of real change becomes tangible and much closer. And luckily, there are many recognized figures whose pain touches their hearts.

connie island

change the diet

Connie Isla has been a vegan for years. To the beat of her music and her work as an actress, in her networks she usually show your feed, his lifestyle and his deep love for animals. That is why it made a lot of sense that Solari summoned her to close the event in her Congress by singing her song “Equidad”. “There is still a long way to go, but we are getting closer and closer. There is a lack of love, but there is more and more compassion. There is a lack of empathy, but there is more and more collective consciousness. There is a lack of respect, but there are more and more rights ”, reads the refrain.

With more than 500,000 followers, many of them young people who are passionate about the causes he promotes, he understands that the outreach he can access is a valuable resource. “To a greater or lesser extent, I always try to be active in this sense, and I see that the message gets through. Perhaps you hear something and you are interested and you have the information at your fingertips, you google it and you internalize the subject ”, she reasons. Regarding the most urgent campaigns, she points to the environmental, since “if there is no planet, there is no other worthwhile cause.” In this sense, veganism is a fundamental crusade, because it implies not only changing eating habits, but also taking into account all those routines that involve animals, from wearing leather or wool to going to a zoo.

Cande Molfese

On a similar path is Cande Molfese, who has been a vegetarian for several years. The actress, singer and influencer often uses her networks to share recipes for this style of eating. On several occasions she told that although she made the change in search of feeling better physically, today she raises the flag of the defense of animals and the environment. “The future is out there,” she maintained. Another cause of it is the adoption of pets. After having adopted her dog Almendra from her, she swears that her salvation was mutual. “Adopt, don’t buy, it’s the greatest act of love there is,” she often repeats herself.

by the horses

Although for years the problem of abandoned dogs and the need to adopt have been discussed, in recent times and thanks to the visualization work of different organizations, the magnifying glass has begun to be put on another species affected by human abuse: horses. . The architect and air freshener Javier Iturrioz has been internalizing this topic for some time. “Before, I only helped dog shelters, but since I got into the equine world I became obsessed. The rescue of a horse rescued from being drawn to blood is moving, ”he recounts. Caballos de Quilmes and CRRE are some of the organizations with which he collaborates, and on his last birthday he asked that the guests make donations instead of gifts.

Javier Iturrioz

His interest arose almost by chance: the veterinarian who applied ozone therapy to his dog Lola told him that he also did it for mistreated horses. There he began to investigate, and it wasn’t long until he arrived at the marches to demand a ban on blood drives. “I also understood that this is a more manageable cause. There are many more dogs and people breed them and then abandon them. In this case the numbers are smaller, perhaps one organization has 60, another around 40, and finding spaces to receive them becomes easier, the scourge ends sooner. Even more so if the law is passed ”, he analyzes. For her part, she has adopted nine and is in the process of receiving three more after her recovery.

Candelaria Tinelli

Other public figures who often express their commitment to animals are Cande Tinelli, a lover of horses from a very young age, and Silvina Escudero, who recently visited the Caballos Quilmes space to disseminate their great work.

Isabel de Estrada, in charge of the Zorba Foundation, an organization that has been fighting for the rights of greyhounds for years (and which was a promoter of the law that prohibits their racing), recently also turned to this fight for mistreated horses, creating Zorba Caballos. “The objective is to make visible the number of horses that go to the refrigerator each year and that come from sports, carts, stolen and breeding. Make visible all the discarded horses that die a horrible death”, he recounts. And so, in his organization they have adopted carriage, polo and race horses that would otherwise have ended up in a refrigerator. “It is surprising that the country of horses is the second largest exporter of horse meat in the world, while we Argentines refuse to eat it,” he analyzes. This new crusade reminds him of his beginnings with the greyhounds, when he felt that he was getting into an untouchable and unpunished world. “It has happened to me that the police stopped me asking for a beacon or a fire extinguisher and meanwhile seeing a horse cart pass by, without permission or lights, without anyone stopping it,” he illustrates.

Isabel de Estrada and Luis Brandoni

To shore up his campaigns, de Estrada soon understood the importance of publicity that public figures could provide. Some of the celebrities who approached Fundación Zorba were Luis Brandoni and his wife, Saula Benavente, Anamá Ferreira, Chloé Bello, Boy Olmi, Claudio Rígoli, Héctor Maugeri, Julieta Kemble, Azul García Uriburu and the already named Javier Iturrioz. “There are a lot of eyes looking at them and generally admiring them, so what they do will have a huge influence on society. And if visibility were always used with examples to follow, the world would be another!”.

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