Save electricity: electricity guzzler refrigerator – This costs consumers dearly

A refrigerator can become a real power guzzler in your own home. However, so that the hunger for energy doesn’t get out of hand and the wallet isn’t put under too much strain, there are some tips that enable efficient operation. We will explain to you how you can save electricity and costs when using your refrigerator.

Defrost correctly and regularly

In many refrigerators, more or less thick layers of ice repeatedly form on the back walls of the devices. These should be removed regularly as they insulate the interior of the refrigerator like an insulator and thus make their cooling performance more difficult. As a result, the devices have to use more energy to keep the cold. The increased electricity consumption subsequently costs the owners more money. It is therefore advisable to defrost the refrigerator once or twice a year, depending on the severity. To do this, take all the food out of the refrigerator, switch off the device and let it warm up with the door open. If you want to speed up the defrosting process, you can, according to a tip from op-online, place a saucepan or a bowl with hot water in the interior and close the door. You can also use wooden or plastic tools to help remove the layer of ice. However, you should be particularly careful and make sure that the coating on the walls is not damaged. Otherwise there is a risk of having to buy a new refrigerator. The resulting defrost water can be collected either with towels or with containers and baking trays.

The timing of defrosting is particularly important. The remaining food must definitely be further cooled. It is therefore advisable to carry out the project in winter so that the items removed can be temporarily stored outside. Otherwise, another refrigerator, for example at a neighbor’s, should be available to store your own products. The constant and uninterrupted cooling is not only necessary for the preservation of the food, but also for the energy saving effect of the campaign. After defrosting, the device must cool down again. Adding warm food would only lead to even more electricity consumption.

Do not allow heat into the refrigerator

The advice not to put warm foods and meals in the refrigerator is not just limited to refilling the appliance after defrosting, but rather is a general guideline. Any addition of heat to the interior of the refrigerator requires greater energy output to maintain cold. When using it yourself, you should always pay attention to minimal cold extraction. If you constantly open the door unnecessarily and leave it open for a long time or regularly put warm goods in the refrigerator, you will use more electricity to operate the device.

According to co2online, the supply of heat also promotes the formation of a layer of ice. As already explained, this also causes higher power consumption, so you do double damage to your wallet. If you make sure to only store goods in the refrigerator that are at maximum room temperature and only open the door for as short a time as possible, you may also save yourself the trouble of defrosting. It is also helpful to pack the food in an airtight and waterproof manner.

Dispose of old devices and purchase new ones

When it comes to energy requirements, old refrigerators and freezers can become real energy guzzlers. In Liebherr’s FreshMAG blog, Daniel Glanz therefore recommends getting rid of old and particularly wasteful appliances and getting a new refrigerator. Before making this decision, however, you should carry out a small cost-benefit analysis and evaluate whether a new purchase is really worth it. Modern devices are of course significantly more economical than their predecessors, but their price always plays an important role. If you want to look for particularly efficient refrigerators when buying, you have to look at the information on the energy label. “The rule of thumb applies: the more “+” there are after the A, the more energy efficient and economical the device is,” explains Glanz at FreshMAG.

Set up and adjust the refrigerator correctly

The location within the apartment or kitchen is also crucial for energy-saving operation of the refrigerator. The device works most efficiently in a cool environment. The right place is therefore away from ovens, stoves and heaters. Sunlight exposure should also be taken into account. In addition to protecting against heat, air circulation is also important for power consumption. The information portal therefore advises never to place the refrigerator directly against a wall. A distance of six to nine centimeters is optimal. Ideally, this distance should also be maintained from adjacent cabinets and devices.

Once the installation is complete, it’s time to set up the refrigerator correctly. The optimal internal temperature is between five and seven degrees Celsius. For freezers, between -15 and -18 degrees Celsius is recommended. If you set your devices even colder, you will also pay additional money for the extra performance. In the FreshMAG blog, Daniel Glanz describes this interaction again with a simple rule of thumb: “For every degree of additional cooling power, around six percent more electricity is consumed. That’s why precise temperature settings can be worth money.”

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