Sauli Niinistö and Jenni Haukio congratulated

Kristiina Mäkelä was celebrated on Saturday in Munich.

Kristiina Mäkelä received congratulations from the president of the republic after his European triple jump silver From Sauli Niinistö.

Niinistö’s letter was handed to Mäkelä on Saturday at an event organized at the Finnish team’s hotel.

– Warm congratulations on the silver medal in the women’s triple jump at the European Championships in Munich. A great Finnish sports evening with two medals.

The letter was also signed by the spouse of the President of the Republic Jenni Haukio.

– By the way, Jenni Haukio is a really tough athletics person. It’s great that he has also signed this, the CEO of the Sports Confederation Harry Aalto said at the event.

Kristiina Mäkelä was handed the letter by Harri Aalto, CEO of the Sports Association. PASI LEISMA

Mäkelä said on Saturday that he had received so many congratulations that he had not had time to read them all. The flood of messages moved the triple jumper.

– Of the congratulations, one does not rise above the others. It’s moving when I get wishes from athletes. They know how rough this world is, and how long a history I have. Quite a story.

Kristiina Mäkelä received a congratulatory letter. PASI LEISMA

Niinistö is known as a keen sportsman. In an interview with Iltalehti a few years ago, he said that he enjoys javelin throwing in Kultaranta.

Earlier this week, Niinistö also congratulated the winner of the European pole vault championship Wilma Murtoa.

In addition to the letter, Murto also received congratulations on the social media service Twitter.

– Great secrecy, Wilma surpasses everything, the president wrote.
