Sauli Koskisen has a wild single summer behind him: “For once, we’ll live here”

Sauli Koskinen has enjoyed the summer to the fullest, but is already longing for the peace of autumn.

Media personality Sauli Koskinen, 38, attended the Red Carpet Festari gala on Thursday. Koskinen arrived on the red carpet in an elegant all-black outfit.

Sauli is currently single and has enjoyed the single summer.

– Aren’t all singles pretty wild? This is how we live, Sauli laughs.

Sauli became public in 2007 Big Brother – as the winner of the program. Sauli says, however, that he is not afraid that dating partners would only be interested in dating because of Sauli’s celebrity status, although that is sometimes in his mind.

– Yes, it’s always on the mind sometimes, How much has it googled in advance and like this. However, maybe I’m not as blue-eyed as I let on. Yes, I’m thinking about all of these, even the dark side.

– This is my life and this is how I live. I can’t really change this, so I just have to move on.

Sauli believes that everything just depends on the attitude. If you can’t find common chemistry with a dating partner, he will gladly move on to the next one.

After the corona years, tourists have found their way to Helsinki, which has been useful in Saul’s single life.

– There have been a lot of tourists in Helsinki this summer, so I can be anyone. Although the writer. I can say that I work as a waiter, Sauli jokes.

Sauli Koskinen is a familiar face from reality shows. Jussi Eskola

Sauli is already looking forward to autumn. The past summer has been full of parties and events, so Sauli is ready for a more peaceful everyday life. In addition to the fact that the summer has been full of parties, Sauli has also been hiking. Sauli participated in a 110-kilometer hike in northern Sweden.

Sauli will soon graduate as a batch guide. He doesn’t plan to change industries, but he aims to work in a new field anyway.

Sauli Koskinen is remembered, among other things, from television programs Big Brother and Dancing on Ice. Sauli won the seasons of both programs. Sauli still dreams of winning the third competition program and names, among other things Dancing with the Stars – program or The Amazing Race into an interesting format.

Today, Koskinen hosts The Real Guys podcast together with Sergey Hilman, known from reality TV series.
