Saudi Arabia: Cristiano Ronaldo provokes fan scandal

After the 0-2 defeat of his team Al Nassr in the league game against Al Hilal, football icon Cristiano Ronaldo apparently went through the horses. Provoked by fans chanting PSG star Lionel Messi’s name in his direction, CR7 grabbed his crotch. The Portuguese’s club deny any malicious intent, but the outcry in Saudi Arabia is huge.

Will a genital grab kill Cristiano Ronaldo? The gesture that the 38-year-old world star showed after his club Al Nassr lost 2-0 to Al Hilal on Tuesday evening caused highly emotional discussions in Saudi Arabia. Numerous fans even called for the deportation of CR7 on social networks.

Among other things, the lawyer Nouf bin Ahmed announced that Ronaldo would be reported to the Saudi Arabian public prosecutor’s office. She accuses the five-time World Player of the Year of committing “a crime of public indecency”.

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Ronaldo’s actions are “one of those crimes that lead to arrest and deportation when committed by a foreigner,” the international law attorney tweeted, sharing a video of the scene that is currently causing a stir in Saudi Arabia.

“Action ya Dawri”, the country’s popular sports program, also spent hours commenting on the gesture, which was rated as obscene. However, it has not been finally clarified whether Ronaldo acted with full intention and above all in the direction of the fans.

One thing is undisputed: just before the former Real Madrid, Juventus and Manchester United star grabbed his crotch, Messi chants could be heard in the stadium. The chants were probably no coincidence: Al-Hilal is said to have prepared a multi-million dollar offer for Messi, Ronaldo’s long-time rival for the world footballer’s crown.

Meanwhile, Ronaldo’s Al-Nassr club, who signed CR7 in Manchester after his contract was terminated in the winter, posed in front of his figurehead. According to club sources, the Portuguese made the gesture because ‘he received a blow to his genitals during the game’.
