Satellitbeelden ton gigantic gebrek aan sneeuw in ski areas: groot vergil met vorig jaar deze tijd | Buitenland

Deze maand zijn in verschillende lands al dagrecords smashed. In a weather station in Delémont in Zwitserland, 18.1 degrees Celsius were measured on Sunday. This is 2.5 degrees above the previous record. “There are eight countries in Europe where the record for the month of January is broken: Poland, Czech Republic, Wit-Russia, Denemarken, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Latvia and Nederland,” says professor Liz Bentley, chief executive of the Royal Meteorological Society. “In Poland, the record is burned by four grades. That’s a lot”. In Warsaw, the Poolse hoofdstad, it will be 18.9 degrees Celsius on Sunday.

“The impact of extreme hits in the winter is naturally different than in the summer. De ski industry ondervindt heel wat hindrance momentseel. It is also violent in nature. Gletsjers zijn aan het smelten”, gaat ze verder. Professor Bentley shows that the following situations are increasing due to climate change. Volgens hair twitched he still sea temperatuurrecords sneuvelen.

Depending on the status of the satellite, there are extreme differences in the ski areas. On the left there is a photo from the previous year in December, on the right the actual situation:

(Schwarzsee, Zwitserland: 20 December 2021 (L) and 25 December 2022 (R))

(Pyreneeën, France: 31 december 2021 (L), 28 december 2022 (R))

KIJK. Were we ever wel nog skiën? How much money is there?
