Sat.1 is radically changing its television program at the weekend

In the past few weeks, viewers on Sat.1 have been able to indulge in nostalgic memories with cult telenovelas on Sundays. That will change now, however, because the broadcaster is completely overhauling its program.

The ratings of the two major broadcasters ProSieben and Sat.1, which are the driving force behind the joint media group, have not looked so rosy for a long time. ProSieben has already reacted to this and thrown its long-standing concept for the important primetime slot on Sunday evening overboard. Sat.1, on the other hand, seems to be still more in the discovery phase. After the weekend program in particular had been tweaked in the past few months, the offer has now changed radically again.

New wind in the television program of Sat.1

The station Sat.1 announced a few weeks ago that it wanted to change its entire afternoon program. So far, the offer has been characterized by scripted reality shows such as “Auf Streife”, “Klinik am Südring” and “K11 – The New Cases”. Later this year, these shows are to be removed from the program after 4 p.m. “Scripted Reality has accompanied Sat.1 for a really long time (…). But we don’t believe it’s the future. And that’s why there’s a radical cut, before the end of this year.” That’s what broadcaster Daniel Rosemann said at the Screenforce Days in June.

Instead of the scripted reality programs, live TV should move. A format called “Full House – Sat.1 Live” has already been announced. Regarding this Roseman:

“Full House!” provides information and entertainment. We can talk about the royal family – and also give tips on how to shop for the cheapest right now. But there will not only be talk: We will also entertain and inform our viewers with contributions from all over the world and self-produced docu-soaps. Of course, in ‘Full House!’ also the most important news of the day.

Daniel Rosemann, ProSiebenSat.1

In addition, two new dating shows, “Paar Love” and “Rate my Date”, will be launched in July.

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Sat.1 throws telenovelas out of the weekend program

After these announced changes, there are now a few more to come – and very soon. The program changes that have now been announced will take effect on Sat.1 from Saturday, July 16, 2022. This time “In Love with Berlin” and “Anna and Love” have to believe it. The cult telenovelas have only just slipped back into the programme. After quotas that are no longer measurable, however, they have to make room again immediately.

Instead, Sat.1 is showing a repeat of the “Letter Battles” and the episodes of “The Great Backen – The Professionals” that were broadcast in 2019. However, both programs seem to be more of a transitional solution. Overall, Sat.1 is not making any headway in terms of ratings. This is also due to the fact that “We will be more” with Birgit Schrowange so far not as the hoped-for draft horse was able to establish – on the contrary. In particular, the TV program for Saturday is like a patchwork quilt on Sat.1. Further changes are likely to be made here in the coming weeks.
