Sassuolo-Salernitana, the first referee in Serie A is Maria Sole Ferrieri Caputi

Who is Ferrieri Caputi, the first woman to direct in the top flight that will referee Sassuolo-Salernitana on Sunday

Mom Linda will also let you find this morning’s press review. And also that of next Monday. However it goes, it will be a success. Mother Linda on the day when Maria Sole was officially promoted to Can A and B by her welcomed her daughter by showing her the door of the house covered with newspaper articles.

“It was the thing that moved me the most,” said the Chosen One. She who arrives on the top in a historical moment for women, who dreamed of playing as Baggio, who was struck by Protti’s goals at the “Picchi” in Livorno, here, one day in 2006 – coming out of the Enriques Scientific High School – saw on the saddle of your own scooter a “brochure” that promoted the registrations to the “Baconcini” section of Livorno. She talked about it with friends and friends. “Why don’t we all do it together?”. It was like this. But – as in Highlander – only one is left (arrived). In A.


Maria Sole is 31 years old and will turn 32 on November 20, she is imbued with firmness and sobriety, she is a researcher in Bergamo for the company “Adapt” and whoever knew her well tells of a girl with such a strong personality: certain peaks , if you are not strong, they end up swallowing you. And also certain realities. «In the provincial championships – she told the Gazzetta – I have heard so many. From tr … to Putt … “from ‘Go wash up’ to ‘Get into figure skating’ up to ‘You don’t understand anything about football'”. goalkeeper who had just expelled: it was Antignano Banditella-Sorgenti, Esordienti, Maria Sole was 17 and a group of friends made that “angry” mother give up.


She loved Roberto Baggio, she still keeps the blue shirt with the number 18 that her mother Linda bought her in a market, and she certainly did not go unscathed from the idea of ​​quitting once. «One day, at the time of the Promotion, there was an extension on the pitch and I was left behind. “But where do you want to go Maria Sole” I told myself. If you don’t have the strength there, give up ». At 25 you made your debut in D and then at 30 in C. In October 2021, the debut in Serie B for Cittadella-Spal. Then the Italian Cup between two Serie A teams (December ’21). “The referee – she told Famiglia Cristiana – is unpleasant to everyone: whether he is male or female, he does not change”. Maria Sole has two degrees (Political Science and International Relations and the other in Sociology), considers “loyalty and naturalness” the best elixirs and “entered the group as any referee, treated by the boys as any referee” says Rocchi. So you do. So it is. So it will be.
