Sassuolo 10 cum laude: game, results and accounts in order

In Serie A since 2013 he has launched coaches and players without losing sight of the balance sheet. So he became an example of good management

It is not a miracle: in sport they happen very rarely. It’s not a fairy tale: they have a short duration, while this story has been going on for ten years. Sassuolo is rather a model: of planning, of foresight, of competence, of organization, of work. The black and green club celebrated the conclusion of the tenth consecutive Serie A championship a few weeks ago. The average placement is 11th place, the satisfactions have been many and repeated, the peaks in play are notable, the players launched are very many. Sassuolo is special because it is unique in the panorama of our football, it regenerates itself cyclically thanks to illustrious transfers, it skilfully relies on rampant coaches, it makes ends meet without renouncing structural investments (the beautiful sports centre, for example), always following the line dictated in principle by Giorgio Squinzi. Who is no longer there, but who was very good at indicating a road that even now in the club everyone travels in his name. One day Squinzi called Giovanni Carnevali and from that meeting Sassuolo was born, which in a short time landed in Serie A to stay there: “More than a sports plan – Carnevali now recalls – the owners wanted a marketing and communication project: the idea was that to make Sassuolo a friendly team, with shared values ​​and obviously also with good results.The philosophy was clear: a long-term programme, centered on Italian players and young coaches, on an offensive and fun team game rather than on individuality. My project was popular and now we are moving forward with the same passion and the same guideline. The family, even after the death of Dr. Squinzi and his wife, is very close to the company. And when I have to make a decision, I always wonder what would the patron advise me”.
