Saskia Belleman has never been treated so harshly: ‘Acid dishcloth!’

Saskia Belleman, court reporter for De Telegraaf, is mercilessly tackled by the podcast duo Mark Koster and Yvonne Coldeweijer. “Ahhhh. What a sour dishcloth this is!”


Yvonne Coldeweijer has a huge following, but there are also many people who are annoyed by her. One of them is Saskia Belleman, who sat with Jinek a week and a half ago to chat about the croquette shop. The De Telegraaf court reporter turned out to think it was great that Rachel Hazes can no longer be called a cremated croquette.

Acid dishcloth

Although Saskia is expected to report on legal cases in a neutral manner, she made it very clear to Jinek that she is disgusted with Yvonne. “She likes to see herself as a journalist, I believe, but she is not,” she sneered, among other things. And: “I don’t think she fully sees that danger herself, but it can definitely have consequences for her business model.”

Saskia’s somewhat grumpy comment now earns her a good verbal blow from The Juice Show, the podcast by Yvonne and media journalist Mark Koster. He: “I’ll just throw her name up and then you can start biting on this bone like a dog: Saskia Belleman. He’s in camp judge, isn’t he?”

She: “Ahhh. What a sour dishcloth this is.”

‘Look after!’

Mark is shocked by this nickname, especially after the spicy croquette verdict. “Acid dishcloth?!”

Yvonne: “Oh, oh, oh! Watch out I don’t get sued! For that sour dishcloth!”

In any case, she is, Yvonne thinks. “Imagine: it’s your birthday, fun, and you’re throwing a party, then you don’t invite her. She’s just so unsociable. Suppose you accidentally become friends with her or your partner is friends with her, then you think: I’ll just skip my party, because it just won’t be fun if she can come. It’s just… It’s such a sour, seriously…”

“She’s typing!”

Yvonne finds it laughable that Saskia uses the word ‘business model’. “Oh, how clever! Who is she then to know that? Is she an entrepreneur then? What does she know about that, about business? You know what that girl does all day? The reporter? Just tell me what she does!”

Mark: “She’s recording.”

Yvonne shouts: “She’s typing!”

Mark: “She types things on Twitter.”

Yvonne: “She types things on Twitter! That’s what she does!”

Mark: “I sometimes go to an archive to find out something. Saskia Belleman, dear lady, what are you doing? You go to court, you type on what you hear and that’s it!”

“First of all, bitch!”

That Saskia has no chance, Yvonne thinks. “But listen. She says about me at Jinek: ‘We journalists have rules to abide by. Yvonne Coldeweijer also really wants to be a journalist.’ Then I think: first of all, b*tch, I don’t want to be a journalist at all. I am exactly what I want to be! I created my own identity! I fixed my own job.”

She continues, “There’s nothing I want to be that I’m not already, okay? If I wanted to be a journalist, I would go to the school for journalists! No. Point. Besides: are you a journalist yourself, girl? I think she’s more of a clerk. She types what is said in court and puts it on Twitter! Then what does she do? That girl doesn’t do anything!”

“Can you teach a monkey!”

Mark feels the same as Yvonne. He says: “Saskia is kind of in a very old groove. He no longer knows how modern times work. Then what does she want? Does she want to ban it? Does she want to ban you from writing something on Instagram? That is not possible at all! What does she think?”

“She is super old-fashioned herself, because she goes to court, types something on Twitter, but is that journalism? I wonder. You can teach a monkey this! It’s not the highest form of journalism. Often people like that have the biggest mouth about what journalism is. They are often the biggest cowards in real journalism.”

The rant you can listen to about Saskia Belleman via stage.
