Sascha (6) fled on crutches from the Putin bombs

They only had an hour to pack – and then the family of seven waited 20 hours on a crowded, cold platform for the train…

Evgeny (38), his wife Julia (36) and their children Diana (13), Evgenin (8), Milan (7), Sascha (6) and Alvina (15 months) fled for three days.

It was the hardest for Sascha. His wheelchair, on which he is dependent, had to be left behind when he fled Kharkiv. The boy sometimes walked on crutches, but mostly his father carried him.

Sascha was born at the age of 8 months, his left leg is severely shortened. The family can’t go back. Her house was destroyed.

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Everything they have left from their lives so far fits into two small children’s backpacks, two bags and another backpack.

The “Caputh helps” initiative organized a loan wheelchair for Sascha. At the moment he, his siblings and parents are staying in a guest house in Werder (Havel). But the shelter is far too small, not handicapped accessible and will only be available until the end of the month.

A permanent place to live is urgently needed. And Sascha absolutely needs medical treatment.
