Sarri: “Lazio makes me have fun. Milinkovic can do even more”

The biancoleste coach after the victory against Midtjylland: “He could have finished 4-1”

Lazio beat Midtjylland, fly to first place in group F of the Europa League and are approaching the next round. Maurizio Sarri smiles: “We complicated the game by conceding the first goal on our mistake. The game could have been resolved much earlier, but the attacking production was excellent. We must be satisfied with the performance, it could have ended 4-1. having fun with this team, we have some technical qualities of a decent level and when we manage to bring them out we have fun and entertain us “. On the performance of Cancellieri: “We are talking about a young boy, who still has to get used to moving as a center forward. He played a good game but still has to make a growth path. Marcos Antonio also managed many balls well and did not let himself be conditioned. from the initial mistake, guaranteeing us an excellent dribble quality “. On Vecino, one of the positive notes of the season: “He is a total player. Dangerous in the insertions, who knows how to help in defense. I am very satisfied with him, but I was already satisfied when the opportunity arose.” Last line dedicated to Milinkovic, Lazio’s true driver: “I never give him many compliments, because I think he can do even more. He’s a great player, but he can become even more”.
