Sarri after Cagliari-Lazio: “We’ve been playing well since December, maybe you don’t look at us …”

The Lazio coach: “At the moment I am happy to concede fewer goals than before and I am happy as well, because football is made up of balance.” Then a joke about Ronaldo: “The year in which Cristiano scored more goals in Italy was with me “

Perfect match, that of Lazio in Cagliari. And so the biancocelesti return to victory continuing in the dream, still alive despite the words of circumstance, of catching the Champions area: “I’m satisfied, however, someone hasn’t looked at us for months, because we’ve been doing good performances since December – says the technical Maurizio Sarri -. Many times we have met high-level teams that have not allowed us to win. When the results do not coincide with the performance, it means that you are doing the wrong performance, but, sometimes we have lost points in full recovery for details, which have cost us so many points. At the moment I am happy to concede fewer goals than before and I am happy as well, because football is made up of balance. In the last 5-6 games we have conceded goals only in Naples and Udine, obtaining five clean sheets. We are improving ”.


The last part of the interview is dedicated to a joke about Cristiano Ronaldo, whom Sarri was lucky enough to coach at the time of Juventus in the 2019-2020 season. A year in which he was able to express himself better, as Sarri recalled: “The year in which Cristiano scored the most goals in Italy was with me. He made himself available, even if he didn’t like it very much “.
