Sarah van Soelen had lip fillers removed: ‘Why so thick?’

Sarah van Soelen, known as André Hazes jr.-ex, claims that she has had all her fillers removed. But why do her lips still look so swollen?

© SBS 6

It is a trend: women who (partly) undo all their cosmetic adjustments, as far as that is still possible. Sarah van Soelen also participates: she had her breast implants removed to have a few smaller ones replaced. And she had her lip fillers removed. So now she’s pure nature?

Scar lips

Sarah’s lips still look just as unnatural. How is that possible? She answers that question in a candid interview with Show buzz. “I have full lips,” she says.

Ah, makes sense. That’s why she had all kinds of chemicals injected into it for years. “And not everything will come out of your lip,” she adds. “You obviously have scar tissue. The lip filler has been removed twice, but you will never get your old lips back anyway.”

Nothing fake

Sarah now no longer has plump lips because of the fillers, but because of the scar tissue from all those injections. Interesting. “I had my lip fillers removed and my breasts reduced. Other than that, I don’t have anything fake about my body. I had extensions, my hair is short now. Right now I only have a fake tail in. The rest remains the botox.”

Where is that botox? In her face. “I don’t get wrinkles. No! I’m 27, but I’ve lived for someone of fifty. I try to spray less, I do my forehead and my frown once a year.”

Old bras

Finally, is Sarah already missing her old cup size? A little. “Of course! I have to get used to my breasts, I find them very small. I still fit my old bras, but now they are less filled.”

Musing: “It’s okay, but I have to get used to it being natural.”
