Sarah Palin will be in the Amerikaanse Congress | Buitenland

The American Conservation Policy Sarah Palin states that it can be published for the record of the State of Alaska in the American Congress. It was for the first time in 2008 that Palin was meant to be in a sale. That was lost with the hair part of John McCain in the race for the White House of Democracy Barack Obama. Palin was McCain’s candidate for vice president.

The 58-year-old Palin, who was the governor of Alaska, made his hair known on Twitter. “America is op een omslagpunt. Toen ik zag hoe extreemlinks het country verniehlt, wist ik dat ik most opstaan ​​en meevechten”, writes ze.

According to McCain, he later said he wanted Palin to be his ‘running mate’. Palin defends the powerful legal authority of the Conservative Party. Met haar vaak felle retoriek tegen migrants en haar afkeer van een strong overheid wordt ze wel gezien as a Wegbereider voor de latere Republikeinse President Donald Trump. Palin Steunde Trump also dead het ande en Stone also eighth zijn ongefundeerde standpoint dat hij de presidentsverkiezingen van 2020 door stembusfraude had lost.

The current president, Joe Biden, was Palin’s candidate for vice president in 2008. When the debate between Palin and Biden is about 70 million Americans, the majority of the voters also vote for a debate between the vice-presidential candidates.

De zetel van Alaska in het Huis van Afgevaardigden kwam previous maand vrij, toen Palins partijgenoot Don Young stierf. Young (88) zat meer dan veertig jaar named Alaska in het Congres. According to The New York Times, 37 people nominated candidates.

Americaanse right-winger claps van Oud-vicepresidentkanidaat Palin tegen New York Times

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