Sara Killinen, 21, won the hammer race sovereignly

Sara Killinen threw the second longest sledge of her career on Saturday at a university race in South Carolina.

Moukari’s iron ball is a light oat at Sara Killinen’s fingertips. AOP

Sara Killinen, 21, won a show style in South America with a hard score of 66.04. The second best arch of the Finn carried 64.58.

He came second in the university competition Rebecca Mammel with a result of 58.69.

Killinen came close to its record (66.37), which was born in early April at the Florida Relays, one of the spring springs in the United States.

Killinen is studying for a track and field scholarship at the University of Technology in Blacksburg, Virginia. In Finland, he represents Lapua Virki.

Source: SUL releases

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