Sara Chafak suddenly breaks down in tears on TV: “I’m afraid”

The 2012 Miss Finland is part of the Betoliset series.

Sara Chafak, known for her poker face, suddenly bursts into tears Traitors in tonight’s episode. This story contains plot spoilers.

Celebrities look for cheaters at the round table. One of the suspects is the 2012 Miss Finland, although she is not the only one. In reality, he is loyal, which the viewers know very well. Fraudsters who figuratively murder the faithful are a social media influencer Sita Salminenex-snowboarder Heikki Sorsa and presenter Janne Porkka.

Sen Sara admits that she would have liked to be deceptive. However, when he wasn’t selected, things went awry. He describes himself as being in a foreign country.

– I completely changed my plans, he explains to his competitors.

– This game gets under the skin, he admits.

Sara Chafak’s behavior has raised suspicions among the other contestants, even though she is loyal. Henri Kärkkäinen

Sara asks the others to think carefully about their choice, and to spare her.

– I’m afraid and I don’t trust everyone, he tries to explain his suspicious behavior.

Sara begins to sink into apathy at the round table. Four

As the evening progresses, Sara’s mind begins to sink. He casts his gaze down, avoids eye contact and shakes his head. The situation is clearly very difficult.

– Really, faithful ones, think about it, he appeals to his fellow competitors once more, when the eyes are already watering.

Sara has to wipe the tears burning in her eyes several times, which the others also notice.

In addition to Sara, Sita also has a hard time – especially when she knows that Sara is not deceitful and therefore should not be voted out. Sita vents her feelings to the cameras in secret from others.

– It’s really fucked up to watch when the other person cries and everyone blames. And she herself knows the truth, Sita realizes using the English expression.

Because he means that he is completely broken watching Sara’s suffering from the sidelines.

Some of these celebrity contestants have already had to leave for home. Who will be out next? Henri Kärkkäinen

Treacherous today at Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
