Santeri Kiiveri dropped to silver in the Paralympic Alps

Santeri Kiiveri made Finnish Paralympic history.

Santeri Kiiveri grabbed the silver in the Alpine Combine. Stock image. JOEL MARKLUND / PARALYMPIC COMMITTEE

Santeri Kiiveri fell magnificently to silver in the Paralympic Alpine United.

– The first alpine skiing paralympic medal in history to Finland! the Paralympic Committee glorified Kiiveri’s achievement on Twitter.

The race was won by France Arthur Bauchet, whose end time was 4.22 seconds better than the Helmet. Third came New Zealand Adam Hall (+4.51).

Helmet opened its Paralympic contract in China earlier, finishing eighth in the plunge and ninth in the Super-G.

This week, the man is allowed to expect even more top performances, as Kiiveri has stronger technology.

If the tweet does not appear on your device, you can view it from here.
