Sanremo 2023, the regulation: singers, dates and voting system

M.still eight months to Sanremo 2023, but the engines are already running and roaring. This can be seen from the publication of the regulation of the 73rd edition of the Festivalthe fourth entrusted to conductor and artistic director Amadeus. A sort of kick-off whistle, which anticipates how the five evenings – broadcast on Rai 1 from 7 to 11 February – and some news.

Amadeus makes three of a kind: he will lead the Sanremo Festival 2022

25 singers competing

As for the singers in competitionthe number of is confirmed 25 participants. 22 will be the Big ones chosen by the artistic directorto which the 3 winners of Sanremo Young. The choice follows the procedure introduced in the last edition, which saw Matteo Romano, Tananai and Yuman land on the stage of the Ariston Theater.

The proposals, from which the 22 names will be extrapolated, must be formulated within Monday 28th November. Saturday 3rd Decemberon the other hand, it is the date from which they can be announced the names of the singers selected by Amadeus and who will therefore participate in the February competition.

The five evenings and the voting system

The rules of Saremo 2023then, also reveals the subdivision of five evenings. In early evening the public will listen to the first half of the unreleased songs. To vote will be the Jury of the press room, TV, radio and webwhose weight is divided as follows: a third jury for print and TV, a third jury for radio, a third jury for the web. At the end of the evening, the total votes will make up the first ranking.

Wednesday 8 February it will be the turn of the remaining half of the songs in the competition. It will always be there to vote jury of the press room, TV, radio and web. At the end of the performances, one will be drawn up joint ranking of the 25 songs listened to. To make it up, the percentages of votes obtained between the first and second evening.

On the third evening, that of Thursday, all the singers in the competition will perform. To vote will be the public from home through televoting and the opinion poll juryboth with a 50% weight. At the end of the evening there will be one new rankinggiven by the average between the percentages of votes obtained during the live broadcast and that of the previous evenings.

Sanremo 2023, Amadeus.  (Getty)

The conductor of Sanremo 2023, Amadeus. (Getty Images)

The Cover evening and the announcement of the winner

On Friday 10 February, however, we will have fun with the Covers. For the fourth eveningthe artists will propose their version of a song from the Italian and foreign repertoire of the past. The pieces chosen must have been published between January 1, 1960 and December 31, 1999. The artist can also perform his own piece, subject to the authorization of the conductor and artistic director. Also, she will share the stage with a guestchosen in agreement with Amadeus and Rai.

In this case, all three juries will vote: press room, radio and web TV; televoting and opinion poll. The weight of the juries is divided as follows: 34% televoting, 33% press room, TV, radio and web jury, 33% opinion poll. Also in this case, the partial ranking will be determined by the average between the voting percentages of the evening and those of the previous days.

In the end, Saturday 11 February space for the grand finale with the fifth and final evening. During the live broadcast the 25 songs in competitionwhich will be voted exclusively by audience at home via televoting. At the end of the 25 performances, the partial ranking. The 3 most voted artists will clash again to win the victory.

In this last phase, the previous votes are cleared, to proceed to one new votein which they participate all three juries. Televoting, Jury of the press room, TV, radio and web and opinion poll they will express their preference for a weight of 34%, 33% and 33% respectively. The song with the highest overall vote percentage will be proclaimed winner of the Sanremo Festival 2023.

The news of the regulation of Sanremo 2023 and the success of Amadeus

Compared to the last edition, therefore, the mechanism is practically unchanged, except for the composition of the opinion poll jury, or the one made up of experts and music users, carefully selected by Rai in the months preceding the kermesse. In 2022 there were 1000, now instead drop to an altitude of 300.

Regarding the TV show, however, everything is silent. It is not known, therefore, if Amadeus will be supported in rotation by 5 co-hosts – as happened from 2020 to 2022 – or if for its fourth edition it decides to call only one colleague to itself or, again, lead alone. At the same time, nothing is known about the guests who will tread the stage of the Ariston.

Certainly, the conductor and artistic director is already working on the choice of songs. A painstaking work, which led him to operate counter-current choices, which have been rewarded. From 2020 to today, in fact, the Sanremo Festival has opened its doors to artists still little known by the general publicbut that on that stage they received the consecration.

A revolution, which has paid off both in terms of sales rankings and in terms of ratings. The 2022 edition, in fact, was the most viewed since 1995. A triumph, which crowned Amadeus the new Pippo Baudo.

