Sanni surprises on TV: Realizes his kinky dream

Singer Sanni is the star coach of The Voice of Finland.

from Vantaa Janne Komppa26, will try his luck tomorrow, Sunday, in the one coming from Nelose in The Voice of Finland. A tiktok player studying Finnish gets the surprise of his life when a star coach makes him a proposal.

Known for his loud voice after the show Sanni reveals his idea to Janne, who sings very low.

– I had such a crazy idea that I would be interested to hear how our voices would sound together, Sanna says and continues:

– And I would be interested to hear how you sound when you sing the world’s most traditional Finnish rock song. Would you be interested in singing a little duet with me?

Sanni has started this year as a star coach. Saku Tiainen, Nelonen

Janne is completely surprised by the situation and doubts that he can do it. Yes she can. Sanni takes the stage next to Janne, and that’s how the duo perform Zen Café a song Really beautiful.

In retrospect, Sanni is grateful.

– I was able to realize my crazy dream. I can go to bed happy, thanks.

Janne has made social media videos. He can also unerringly imitate the sound of a trumpet. Saku Tiainen, Nelonen

Jannen’s and Sanni’s voices are different, but they fit well together. Saku Tiainen, Nelonen

The Voice of Finland on Sunday at 20:00 on Nelose. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
