Sanne Vogel supports climate Carice, plaque protest in talk show NPO 1

Actually, actress Sanne Vogel and director Guido van Driel were sitting at the table at Tijd voor MAX yesterday to talk about their new film, but he suddenly surprised the viewer with a sticky protest.


Carice van Houten enjoys a lot of support from her acting colleagues with her climate protests on the A12. She is simply a great person, agrees with Sanne Vogel, who has been named the Green Mayor of 2023. “Do you think it will have an effect if more famous Dutch people make themselves heard and commit themselves to the climate?” Sybrand Niessen asks her.

Sticker protest

Yes, Sanne answers at the talk show table of the NPO 1 talk show Time for MAX. “Sure. I have also been to the support demo and I really speak out about fossil subsidies.”

Then her fellow guest Guido van Driel, a film director, suddenly appears to have put up two protest stickers. ‘STOP FOSSIL SUBSIDIES’, it says on his shirt. Sybrand: “You quickly placed some stickers during the leader, as we call it. You didn’t stick yourself, I see, but you did put the stickers, so you share the concerns?”

‘Then just like this’

There is no other way, says Guido. “Certainly, I also tried to reach the asphalt last Monday, but I was a little too late and I just couldn’t get through the cordon. They stopped me and now I just do it that way. I notice that I have been very angry since I learned how high those subsidies are.”

According to him, it is all not normal. “You hear earlier that it is 4.5 billion and now it is about 46 billion. You can do a lot of good things with that.”

‘I am mad’

Guido is angry. “I notice that I’m getting increasingly angry about it. That goes to the industry that was the first to know about the horrific effect it has on the climate and humanity. From that moment on, they started a disinformation campaign. I think it’s very good that California is going to take on Big Oil.”

And with his sticker protest, Guido hopes to draw attention to it in his own way. “This is my little improvisational action.”
