Sanna Marin is a perfect example of what is most interesting at the moment

Karoliina Simoinen

There has been a change in the perception of a woman thought to be admirable, writes journalist Karoliina Simoinen.

AOP, Outi Järvinen, Sanna Marin’s Instagram account

We share on Tiktok for ever younger women tips for preventing wrinkles, starting with the right drinking straws and sleeping habits. 48-year-old actor Leonardo DiCaprio does not date women over 25 years old.

Although the news feed may look like this at times and the various discouraging pressures on women are constantly brought up in the public debate, it must be said that we also have a new positive phenomenon on our hands. A woman approaching or just past middle age has never been so interesting.

Whereas in the 2000s the celebrity image only included faces that had just come of age, such as Britney Spears or Finns Idols-stars, an equally wonderful age group has since risen alongside them.

One example of this is former Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who turns 38 in November, who is undoubtedly the most followed female public figure in Finland. Let’s face it, Marin can’t quite be called middle-aged yet, because middle age, at least according to some definitions, doesn’t start until the age of 40. But it is undeniable that she is a woman approaching middle age.

Today, good examples of the attractiveness of a middle-aged woman can be found not only in Finland but also around the world. Kourtney Kardashian Barker, 44, Kim Kardashian, 42, and Khloé Kardashian, 39, are year after year the most followed public figures in the world. 41-year-old pop star Beyoncé sells out stadiums all over the world. 46-year-old Shakira and 54-year-old Jennifer Lopez wowed an audience of millions with their Super Bowl performance two years ago. Oozing with sex Magic Mike’s Last Dance 56-year-old Salma Hayek plays the female lead in the film. 43-year-old Gisele Bündchen was the second highest paid supermodel in the world last year. In Great Britain, the clothes favored by Princess Catherine, 41, are sold out of stock.

So age no longer seems to be a significant factor in whether a woman becomes an object of admiration or not. For a long time, society has torn apart the myth of how a woman of any age should look or how they should behave. However, admiration is deserved.

Sanna Marini’s party outfits became the hottest style topic of the entire weekend. The outfits were a combination of Marin’s familiar black leather and Barbie– with the movie mega-trendy pink. This summer’s hit favorite was also included, i.e. a see-through dress. Of course, the interest in Marin’s outfits stems from the fact that she has famously stretched the tight role of a female politician, sometimes with her clothes, sometimes with her other activities.

The photos were probably also interesting because Marin has become a familiar figure even to the public who doesn’t follow politics from the point of view of fashion and lifestyle. Followers are interested in what he is wearing. Where were his clothes bought? What kind of music does he listen to? How is Marini’s famous feta pie made? How does he play sports? What car does he drive? Which nightclubs and parties does he go to? What about his relationship life? What kind of mother is she? What will he do in the future?

Marin’s pictures conveyed much more than just fashionable clothes or appearance. Posing in a light crotch position with a hand placed on top of the head also implies from the point of view of body language what connects Marin to the world stars mentioned at the beginning.

Despite the fact that Marin has expressed that he wants to be in the public eye only in connection with his political career, he is an idol and a role model for many in other contexts as well.

And he is one of those who have made a whole new age group interested in large audiences.
