Sandra Schuurhof surprised that the media does not publish Amalia photo

Sandra Schuurhof is surprised that the media has decided not to publish the photo of Princess Amalia on crutches. “Yes, a crown princess on crutches, isn’t that just news?”

© SBS 6, RVD

Yvonne Coldeweijer stumbles over the firsts. This weekend she had another photo of Princess Amalia on crutches on her juice channel, but she quickly removed it to avoid hassle with the Government Information Service. Most show media had already seen and saved that photo for a long time.


Yet that photo of Amalia has not appeared in any other medium and the RVD does not want to say what is wrong with the princess. This is all strange, thinks royalty fan Sandra Schuurhof. She believes that the media should simply publish the photo, despite the so-called media code of the RVD.

Sandra says in her program Shownieuws: “We still don’t know what is there. It is nothing serious, the RVD says. What surprised me: I thought that quite a few media, for example De Telegraaf, would simply post that photo.”

Private/Telegraaf journalist Evert Sankrediets: “I don’t do anything.”

Sandra: “Why not? It’s the crown princess on crutches and we don’t know what’s going on.”

“Show me now?”

Albert Verlinde then challenged Sandra: “Do you want to show it now? You’re actually saying that. †

Sandra: “I would show him. Or am I being very recalcitrant now?”

Albert: “Did you order it or not? Because then we will show him.”

Sandra: “No, I’m not talking about whether or not we do that.”

Albert: “Guys, look up that photo and we’ll show it.”

Sandra: “Yeah, a crown princess on crutches and we don’t know what’s going on, isn’t that just news?”

Rather not

Albert: “We are looking for him now, he will pass by in a moment.”

Evert: “For years I have said yes, but it doesn’t interest me that much anymore.”

Albert: “It is true that if we show it, there can be a fine and you can’t go on a skiing holiday for years.”

Oh no, if Sandra is no longer allowed to attend the directed press moments of the Oranges she so beloved, then she won’t do it. “Then I can’t come on June 24th! So no, let’s not show it, I would like to come on June 24th!”
