Sandra Schuurhof finds Theo-ex vindictive: ‘Lawsuit looming’

Sandra Schuurhof starts to get the idea that Angela Degener, Theo Maassen’s ex-mistress, is a vindictive woman. “It looks like she’s inviting a lawsuit.”

© SBS, NPO, Spotify

Angela Degener is becoming increasingly fanatical about the match when it comes to shaming Theo Maassen. The comedian’s ex-mistress is a whistleblower in the case about his alleged domestic violence and it bothers her that people like Johan Derksen continue to support him. She has now started a podcast series about Theo.

‘What does she want to achieve?’

It leads to mixed feelings for royalty fan Sandra Schuurhof. “What does she want to achieve with this, if his wife denies it?” she asks herself at the desk Show news.

Private boss Evert Santegoeds: “Yes, but we don’t care about that. Denying that has really been a farce. You cannot assume that she voluntarily made that statement that nothing happened, because she did not say that in previous contacts and certainly not that other friend.”

Lawsuit looming?

It is not yet clear how many episodes Angela will make of this podcast. “She wants to divide it into chapters and actually continue until something happens. It actually seems to us that she wants to provoke a lawsuit or summary proceedings so that the case will still be discussed in court, but she does not say that herself.”

Angela may record something every day. It is almost inevitable that she challenges Theo. “Yes, I think so. She radiates that, when she really says: ‘I don’t know how many episodes there will be’, then it is really true that Theo has had enough at some point and he will have to do something.”

Destroy Theo

Sandra thinks it’s a strange story. “Do you still feel like she’s still doing this to protect his current wife or is it just to destroy him? Old sore?”

Evert: “I don’t think old pain has really been the reason so far.”

Sandra: “It seems that way. She wants to be right somewhere.”

‘She provokes him’

Many mainstream media are reluctant to report on this case. They often first want a report to be filed or a lawsuit to be filed. And that is perhaps what Angela wants to provoke with this, says Evert.

The Private Boss explains: “In summary proceedings she can tell what happened and then at least it will be public and then everyone can write about it again.”

And face mask millionaire Sywert van Lienden? He thinks that Theo has learned a very wise lesson: “Don’t stick your dick in crazy“, he writes X.
