Sandra Korthuis from Witteveen acting mayor in Veendam

Sandra Korthuis (VVD) from Witteveen has been appointed as acting mayor of Veendam. The appointment will take effect on 25 July and will remain valid until the king appoints a new mayor.

Until April this year, Korthuis (1959) was acting mayor of the municipality of Ooststellingwerf (Friesland). She has held that position since August 1, 2021. That was her first time as acting mayor.

In 2020, the help of the VVD director was called in to solve the administrative crisis in Hoogeveen, with all aldermen leaving.

Previously, she was director-director of housing corporation Woonconcept in Meppel for many years, and before that she was alderman of Rotterdam from 1998 to 2002. From 2006 to 2011 she was a member of the board of directors of the VNG, the Association of Dutch Municipalities.

The vacancy in Veendam arose with the departure of mayor Link on July 1, 2023.
