Sandra Bullock lays down acting: ‘Burned out and tired’ | Stars

“I don’t want to be tied to someone else’s schedule,” she tells The Hollywood Reporter† “I’m so tired and I’m not able to make healthy, smart decisions this way.” When asked how long the break will last, she replied: “I really don’t know.”

Bullock admits that she has leaned too much on her work and is forced to take a step back. “Work has always been very stable for me and I have been very lucky.” Yet she realizes that she will have to do without it for a while. “It was like opening the fridge all the time and looking for something that was never in the fridge. I told myself to stop looking because I wouldn’t find it here. I already have it and it’s okay that I don’t have a job right now. I don’t need that confirmation.”

She therefore states that The lost city, which she was working on with producer Liza Chasin, was the right movie to stop now. “I like working with artists, that’s why Liza and I were so well attuned. If I go out with a bang, I want to do it with the right person.”
