‘Sandra Beckerman and Jimmy Dijk from Groningen are the most important candidates to succeed SP leader Lilian Marijnissen’

There is a good chance that the SP will get a party leader from Groningen. According to ‘Nieuwsuur’, Sandra Beckerman and Jimmy Dijk are the main candidates to succeed the resigned Lilian Marijnissen.

Marijnissen announced on Saturday that she is leaving as party leader and Member of the House of Representatives. After losing elections again, the party needs a ‘new face’, she noted.

Sandra Beckerman from Groningen has been a member of the House of Representatives on behalf of the SP since 2017. Jimmy Dijk, former party leader of the SP in the Groningen municipal council, is relatively new in The Hague.

Parliamentary reporter Arjan Noorlander from News hour doubts whether the party can take the upward path with a new faction leader. No election was won under Lilian Marijnissen, the current House of Representatives faction consists of five members.

“The following applies to Beckerman and Dijk: they are unknown, and therefore unloved. The question remains whether this will solve the problems,” says Noorlander.
