Sandbox, a division of Google specializing in quantum and AI, is emancipated

It’s a gentle move towards independence. Sandbox announced on March 22 to leave the supervision of Alphabet, the parent company of Google, to stand on its own two feet. SandboxAQ specializes in creating practical applications of quantum technologies to businesses.

SandboxAQ doesn’t stray too far from Google

Since its foundation in 2016, under the protection of Google, the company created by Jack Hidary has operated independently. Now that the hour of separation arrives, the new CEO of SandboxAQ, Jack Hidary remains close to the one he saw born. It is Eric Shmidt, former CEO of Google who will take over the management of the company’s board of directors. The latter will also remain installed in Palo Alto.

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SandboxAQ, not to be confused with the metaverse The Sandbox, specializes in artificial intelligence and quantum, as indicated by the last two letters of its name. Eric Schmidt considers that the company occupies a “ single position to lead the transformation linked to “ The convergence of quantum technologies and AI “.

Jack Hidary has made it his mission to combine these two technologies to create practical applications for businesses in various fields, ” telecom, financial services, healthcare, government, IT security and other compute-intensive industries “.

Beautiful people rush to invest

Among the first customers claimed by SandboxAQ are large companies such as SoftBank Mobile or Vodafone. The first investors mentioned all come from Google or from the world of Tech in the broad sense: Eric Schmidt, of course, but also TIME Ventures, the fund of Salesforce leader Marc Bénioff, or even Mike Rogers, a retired American Admiral who has, incidentally, directed the US Cyber ​​Command and the NSA.

With the money already raised, the amount has not been disclosed, SandboxAQ wishes to expand its team of 55 engineers by recruiting AI experts, physicists and other engineers from the best universities on the planet, Harvard, Oxford , Stanford…

Jack Hidary assures that quantum technologies and AI, together, will be able to ” impact areas such as drug development, clean energy and data security “. What more could you ask for?
