Sánchez will call Feijóo to negotiate the renewal of the CGPJ and rejects “altering the majorities” in his election


11/30/2023 at 10:05


The head of the Executive will not try to circumvent the PP by lowering the majority system and advances that this issue will be central to defining “the future understanding between PSOE and the PP”

Pedro Sanchez will call in the next few days to the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóoto address, among other issues, the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ). This is how the President of the Government advanced it in an interview on TVE this Thursday after ensuring that It is not going to “alter the majorities” to raffle the popular ones, in reference to the parliamentary election system for members by three-fifths. In the last legislature, Brussels already positioned itself against lowering the majorities of the member election system. “I comply with the Constitution“, defended the head of the Executive to reproach the PP for blocking the power body of the judges, whose mandate has expired for five years, calling it “intolerable and unconstitutional.”

The President of the Government does not give up having a fluid dialogue with the leader of the opposition despite the broken bridges that were observed during his inauguration. “We are going to reach out,” he said in reference to the need to reach an agreement to unblock the renewal of the CGPJ, at the same time that he advanced that “I will try to have the best and greatest dialogue.”

The Government’s priority is to try to unblock it with an agreement between the two major parties, and this is what Moncloa believes when they assure that it would be unsustainable to maintain the body with the expired candidate for another four more years. However, in its coalition program with Sumar, the door is left open to its renewal without the PP, if the blockade persists. “We will guarantee compliance with the Constitution in relation to the renewal of constitutional bodies, especially the General Council of the Judiciary, preventing the constitutional disloyalty of some political actors from affecting the prestige and health of public institutions.“, the program includes in a vague way.

The Government is not willing to assume a new legislature without renewing the CGPJ and has proposed to force it as soon as possible. At the highest level, between Sánchez and Feijóo. As the President of the Government has argued, this issue is central to defining “the future understanding between PSOE and the PP.” In the PSOE they insist that they will not renounce the State pacts with the PP, but they are not optimistic and the possibility of opening or not a negotiation on the CGPJ renewal will determine to what extent there is a window for other understandings this legislature.

The Minister of Justice, Felix Bolaños, will meet this Wednesday in Brussels with Commissioner Reynders to address both the amnesty law and the renewal of the power of judges. In a letter sent two weeks ago to Brussels, Bolaños showed his concern for what he considered “a serious breach of the Constitution by the main opposition party.”
