Sánchez will ask for it at the investiture

During a political event in the Sevillian town of La Rinconada, the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, outlined some of the commitments he plans to make in his investiture debate in the event that King Felipe VI chooses him as a candidate. to form a new Executive.

One of those commitments has to do with the rise of the interprofessional minimum wage (SMI). Regarding this particular Sánchez has said that he will try to make it reach 60% of the average salary received in the Spanish state.

According to Social Security data, the average gross salary in Spain was 2,106 euros gross per month. Setting the SMI at 60% of that amount would mean raising it to 1,263 euros per month: 183 euros more per month. Currently, the SMI is 1,080 gross euros per month in 14 payments, up to 15,120 euros gross per year, according to Royal Decree 99/2023, of February 14.

The general secretary of Podem and acting minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra, has considered “enormously limited” the announcement that the acting Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez, has made to promote the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI) fins that represented 60% of the State’s mitjà. In a video released to caríssimes”. This idea, she has said, is part of a zinc package that you propose for the proper execution.

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As one of the first reactions to this announcement by Sánchez, the Secretary General of Can and acting Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has demanded that the socialist leader be more ambitious and that the new Government commit to placing 1,500 euros per month the minimum wage to confront the “very high food prices” and the “very expensive” mortgages.

Philip VI has started a new round of consultations with the different parliamentary groups to propose a new candidate for the investiture. Sánchez’s appointment with the King will be this Tuesday.
